Sierra de Guara and Somontano
In the heart of the Sierra de Guara numerous canyons with amazing rocky walls have been formed over time due to weather and water erosion, and are home to a variety of unique species of plants and animals.
For lovers of nature at its purest, Guara is an absolute paradise. Thanks to the isolation and inaccessibility of certain parts, the area has become shelter to some species in serious danger of extinction, for example the bearded vulture and the Bonelli’s eagle. Griffon vultures, Egyptian vultures and bearded vultures, the only scavenger capable of eating bones, can be seen flying majestically in and around the rocky outcrops. The Pyrenean mountain range is one of the last outposts where the splendid bearded vulture still reproduces in the wild.
Clear contrasts can be seen between the northern and southern slopes. In the south are the wide Somontano cultivated fields and Mediterranean woodland while in the north it is a mass of forest with some old villages and fields long since abandoned.
But the most surprising and characteristic landscape in the area is the canyons, notable for their narrowness and depth. Over millions of years the erosive forces of rivers, wind and rain have carved a unique series of canyons in the limestone rock. The most well-known ones are the Gorgas Negras, La Peonera, Mascún, Balced and the Vero.
Deporte y naturaleza
Cultura y patrimonio

Gastronomia y ocio
Temporada recomendada
Canyons and ravines throughout the year.
Qué nos diferencia
Aprovecha cada minuto del viaje
Viajes recomendados




Pre-pyrenean Trail. 7 stages
Pre-pyrenean trekkinig
Crossings on foot and on horseback · Nordic walking · Trail running · Trekking
